Recently, I stumbled upon a Real Python Podcast episode 192 where they were talking about decorators. I always liked more control over stuff and used decorators rarely, but this episode made me look at them differently.

I wanted a clear picture of fields somewhere near with methods, so that when somebody asked me what to send to the endpoint, I could just point them to the method.

        receiver=(int, "required"),
        type=(str, "required"),
        msg=(int, "required"),
    def create(self, request: Request, parsed_params: dict) -> JsonResponse:
    This method is for creating a new notification in Back Office for operators.
    :param request:
    :param parsed_params:

So why I decided to describe parameters with tuple of a type and required string? Because I wanted to validate types for not only the required fields but also for the optional ones.

Let’s see how this decorator is implemented.

    def parse_request_params(**expected_params):
    A decorator that parses and validates parameters from the request body.
    :param expected_params: Dictionary of expected parameters and their types
    with requirement identifying string.
    :return: Decorator function.
        def decorator(view_func):
            def wrapped_view(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
                # Initialize a dictionary to store parsed parameters
                parsed_params = {}
                # Extract and validate each expected parameter from the request
                for param_name, param_info in expected_params.items():
                    param_type, param_required = param_info
                    param_value =
                    if param_value is not None:
                        # Check if the parameter has the expected type
                        if not isinstance(param_value, param_type):
                            expected_type_name = (
                                if hasattr(param_type, "__name__")
                                else str(param_type)
                            return respond_with_json(
                                f"Invalid type for parameter: {param_name},
                                  expected {expected_type_name} ",
                                    "error": INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE,
                        parsed_params[param_name] = param_value
                    elif param_required == 'required':
                        # Parameter is required but missing in the request
                        return respond_with_json(
                            f"Missing required parameter: {param_name}",
                                "error": MISSING_OR_INVALID_PARAMETER,
                # Include any not required but present parameters in parsed_params
                for param_name, param_value in
                    if param_name not in expected_params:
                        parsed_params[param_name] = param_value
                # Pass the parsed parameters to the original view function
                return view_func(self, request, parsed_params, *args, **kwargs)
            return wrapped_view
        return decorator

At first, we define a decorator function that takes expected_params as a parameter.

We loop over expected_params and check if the parameter is present in the request, if it is, we check if it has the expected type, if not, we return a response with an error message.

If the parameter is not present in the request, but it is required, we return a response with an error message.

After that, we loop over all the parameters in the request and add them to the parsed_params even if they are not present in expected_params. This way, we do not lose any data that was sent to the endpoint.

Finally, we pass the parsed_params to the original view function.

So if I send for example “type” as an integer, this is what the response looks like

        "code": -1,
        "msg": "Invalid type for parameter: type, expected str ",
        "result": [],
        "error": "INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE"